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Frequently Asked Questions (20)
Is GCcollab vulnerable to vandals?
Like all virtual workspaces where people are invited to participate and make contributions, there is the risk that an individual could disrupt the creati...
What happens if someone posts inappropriate information on GCcollab?
What happens if someone posts inappropriate content on GCcollab? All content within GCcollab is attributable to the contributor. as all entries are auto...
Is GCcollab open to Access to Information requests?
Yes, all GCcollab content is subject to disclosure under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. Note that GCcollab can be accessed by member...
How do I create an Opportunity in Career Marketplace in GCcollab?
1. Opt in to the Career Marketplace: First, make sure you are opted in to Career Marketplace. If you do not see Opt In options, it could be a browser er...
Can GCcollab be used by Crown corporations?
Yes, Crown corporations have access to GCcollab and are welcomed to use it to support their mandates. If you are an employee of a Crown corporation but cann...
Which software runs GCcollab?
GCcollab uses Elgg, an open source social networking software that provides individuals and organizations with the components needed to create an online so...
What about colleagues who have left (retired or elsewhere)? Should we delete their profile?
If an account is deleted from GCcollab, everything that member contributed is lost. While someone may leave their current position or organization and feel...
I receive too many notifications. What can I do?
Notifications inform you of activities in groups you have joined or content that you have indicated that you would like to follow. If you feel you are rece...
How can I invite someone to GCcollab?
GCcollab is open to students and academics from all Canadian universities and colleges as well as federal, provincial, territorial and municipal public serv...
Your email address is not allowed?
I tried to register, but it says that my email address is not approved on GCcollab. What should I do GCcollab is open to many organizations including...
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