Log in to the GCwiki.


From the left menu under Actions/Tools, click Upload file.



Click Choose File to search your computer for the file that you want to upload.


Enter in the Destination file name. 


Type in a short description of what the file is and/or why it is being uploaded (optional).


Click Upload file.







Sometimes there will already be a file with the same name as the file you are trying to upload. When this happens, you are presented with a link to the existing file, which you can click to view, and a choice of two options:


  • Save File: Clicking this button will overwrite the existing file, so it is highly recommended that you know what the existing file is before doing so.
  • Re-upload: Click this button to go back and specify a new name for the file, if you do not wish to overwrite the existing file.


Tips for success

  • Make sure you are logged onto the GCwiki before you try to upload a file.
  • Maximum file size for uploading files is 32MB